I had a free morning before starting a another bike tour around the Durango area, so I revisited Mesa Verde National Park. Ride the Rockies skirted the park when I was here two years ago, but I hadn't been back inside the actual park since I was a kid.
It was fun to wander at my own pace, alone for most of the day. I'm in the midst of couch crashing and travel for the past six weeks while my house gets worked on, so I've had little time to myself. The summer crowds had filtered out and the park was quiet, though I was so intent to build a gap between myself and the few other people on the trail to the petroglyphs that I stormed right by the rock without seeing them.
On my first trip, my dad bought arrowheads and buried them off the side of the trail for us to discover – it honestly took me until I was a teenager to realize he staged the whole thing. There were no discoveries this time; just a few frames I liked.

I've shot mostly film lately but used the M11 today. I'm still working to try to find a consistent color treatment and style across cameras and film stocks, but I'm gravitating toward a more muted look. A lot of what I've shot recently has been in the full midday summer sun, so the slightly washed look helps it all look a bit less blown maybe.